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Using Counters

You can use Counters for Confluence to define numbered headings in your Confluence pages and automatically count them. Therefore we developed different macros to easily control and define the counters.

Existing Macros

There are three different macros to use Counters for Confluence:

Counter Name





This macro should be used if you just want to insert a classic counter.

Named Counter

{named counter

This macro should be used if you want to have different counters on the same Confluence page.

Setup Counter

{setup counter

This macro should be used to reset and define a counter.


This macro prints an automatically countered number. The only setting you can make is defining the level you want to count. If you leave the field empty, 1 is used as default level.

Named Counter

This macro is to name different counters. This is useful, if you have multiple counters on the same Confluence page with different formats.



Counter Name

The name used to identify the counter.
ℹ This field is obligatory.


Enter the level to print.
ℹ Defaults to 1 if empty.

Setup Counter

This macro is to define the counters. You can format the counter and named-counter macros with formatting and can reset a counter to a custom value. Check the following table for an explanation of the several settings:



Counter Name

The name of the counter to configure. Leave empty to configure the default (unnamed) counter.

Reset Level

The counter level to reset.
ℹ Leave empty for no reset, but either none or both of reset level and reset value must be specified.

Reset Value

The value to reset the counter to, e.g. "1".
ℹ Leave empty for no reset, but either none or both of reset level and reset value must be specified.

Numbering Format

You can define the numbering format of your counter:

  • "1" = decimal numbering

  • "a" / "A" lower / upper case alpha numbering

  • "i" / "I" lower / upper case Roman numbering

The pattern is expanded automatically for headings nested more deeply.


  • "1" formats every level with numbers

  • "1Ai" formats h1/h4 with decimal numbers, h2/h5 with upper case alpha letters, h3/h6 with lower case Roman numbers.

Print in PDF

Activate this checkbox to print the counters in the exported PDFs.

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