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(1.1.0) Retiring Counters for Confluence Server

After careful consideration, we have decided to retire the following three K15t Labs apps for Confluence and one K15t Labs app for Jira:

This article is intended to provide further details and guidance in relation to this change for the affected apps.

Why are the apps being retired?

Our team is committed to offering the best solutions possible for Atlassian Software and retiring these apps allows us to fully direct our resources towards more innovative and feature-driven development for the apps pivotal to our product strategy; The Scroll Apps for Confluence and Backbone Issue Sync for Jira.

Over the past years, the apps in question have provided users with additional functionality for their respective Atlassian software (ie. Confluence and/or Jira) at no extra cost. However, with an ever-evolving technological landscape, it has become apparent that both the demand for these apps and the technology stack that these apps are built on has changed.

Counters for Confluence Server was an app created by the K15t team in 2013 stemming from a customer requirement to number table content on a Confluence page. However, over time the number of users of this app has decreased and with the app only being available on Confluence server, the decision was made to retire it when Atlassian announced that they will be ending support for Server products in February 2024.

For the remaining three cloud apps, Inspector Sketch for Confluence Cloud, Inspector Sketch for Jira Cloud and Scroll WP Publisher for Confluence Cloud, which were all created around 2016 following a number of different K15t ‘Hacketse’ (Internal Hackathons), many users have been able to benefit from additional control of their content in both Confluence and Jira. However, with changes to the Atlassian Cloud infrastructure coming soon that would require significant development changes for these apps, coupled with an overall low demand for these apps, we also made the decision to retire them.

What Does This Mean for Existing Users?

No New Updates

After January 31st 2024, no new updates for these apps will be released. This means that updates which may address critical bug fixes and security patches will only be available until January 31st, 2024. After this date the app listings will be archived and will be not accessible from the Atlassian Marketplace. Please note, due to the aforementioned cloud changes, the affected cloud apps will stop working once the changes have been implemented.


Whilst these apps were officially unsupported on the Atlassian Marketplace, in the past we have still provided help for users who had experienced issues or had questions about the free apps. However, after January 31st 2024 the K15t support team will not provide any support for these apps.


Thank You

We want to express our thanks for your trust and support as users of our apps over the years. Your feedback has been invaluable, and we are excited to continue serving you with even better tools and solutions in the future. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you navigate this change and look forward to speaking with you.

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